Friday, October 22, 2010

Weeks 6, 7 & 8

I have been a bit behind lately! So here is a summary of the last two weeks (or so!).

  • ...Evelyn played a lot of soccer and scored a goal.  

  • ...We completed reading aloud The Birchbark House  and began Walk the World's Rim and Incas, Aztecs and Mayans. The first two were great! The last one the kids aren't too happy with. I had been warned that it is quite graphic! 

  • ...both kids memorized The Jabberwocky and added it to their memory box which is getting pretty full!

  • ....We hiked Temple Mountain 

  • ...and Dutton Brook Trail

    • ...we went apple picking

    • ...Evelyn worked on multiplication. She is just about done with 2a and will be starting 2b within a couple of weeks.

    • ...Quinn completed 15 math lessons. He is working on multiplying fractions and finding the area of a triangle.  He only has another week or so before he starts the next book (5b) I also ordered him Life Of Fred Decimals & Percents. I am hoping that the humorous nature of the book will appeal to him and that it will be a great supplement to Singapore 5b.

    • ...Evelyn read The Courage of Sarah Noble , The Matchlock Gun and Vostaas

    • ...Quinn finished reading The Hobbit and wrote a book report using the IEW 5 paragraph (!!!) model. He did well! I did not realize that this was Unit IX until after we started. I then checked with the knowledgeable folks over at the WTM forum and they encouraged me to plow ahead with a simplified version. They were right. He did just fine and even spruced up his writing on his own at several points. I imagine that after this week a three paragraph model will be a relief for him! I required two each of who/which, "ly" and quality adjective.

    • Quinn read the last two Percy Jackson books and book #3 of The 39 Clues.  
    •  Both kids worked on the french verbs "to be" and "to have". They also did much translating back and forth with the vocabulary they have learned so far. 
    • Did lots of art...


        Mandy in TN said...

        Good week! I really enjoyed the poetry reading.

        Lisa said...

        Looks like alot got done and alot of fun was had.

        Faith said...

        Lovely week! Lots of good books and good fall fun!

        Karen said...

        We did "to be" and "to have" in French this week as well!

        The hiking pictures are just gorgeous.

        Bright Sky Mom said...

        I agree everyone should read The Hobbit! My littlest's nickname is Hobbit. :) Great art projects! And I love your fall leaf blog background!
        Lee (5wolfcubs)