Monday, December 14, 2009

52 Books in 52 Weeks

I have decided to take part in the 52 Books in 52 Weeks Challenge. I have always loved to read. When i was a child you couldn't tear me away from books. Nowadays however, life can get in the way. I still adore a good book but it can be hard to fit it in. Sometimes I am just so exhausted that reading puts me to sleep. Other times I am so worried about wasting precious reading time with a horrible book that I spend far too much time contemplating what to read next. After poring over book reviews and lists for hours I find myself again too tired to read anything else. So maybe a bit of accountability will help.

Haven't quite decided what the first book will be. But I WILL have made a decision by Sunday, which is when the challenge technically starts. I can't wait to hear about what other people are reading!

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